Our Services

  1. Locate and review final Will of deceased. If no Will then family and friends asked to look through papers of the deceased to locate same. If no Will then we advertise through the Law Society to locate a final Will if any.
  2. Discuss estate collection and distribution processes with executors and beneficiaries/family as appropriate.
  3. Ascertain whether estate likely to have any claim against it.
  4. Obtain postal addresses of beneficiaries.
  5. Ask for list of assets and liabilities.
  6. Search any land titles, company office records etc
  7. Receive Death Certificate.
  8. Assign tasks particulary if family members or friends can assist in tidying up estate property ; selling off items etc. Careful financial records to be kept of all transactions for true transparency.
  9. Apply for Probate (or Letters of Adminstration if no Will).
  10. Receive Probate.
  11. Write to all banks and other entities holding funds and collect funds in to trust.
  12. Ascertain need for any final tax return.
  13. Prepare statements of all estate funds, costs and amounts to distribute to beneficiaries.
  14. Final report and distribution on date six months from Probate if everything in order.


We believe that we can match or better the Public Trust on service and beat them on price. Given the opportunity we will work with you to keep the costs down.